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Israel Education (Teacher Edition)
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Section 1: Approaches to Israel Education
Section Overview
Source #1: Bethamie Horowitz, Defining Israel Education pp.11-18
Source #2: Hanan Alexander, Mature Zionism, pp. 140-142, 155-157
Source #3: Elliot Abrams, If American Jews and Israel Are Drifting Apart, What's the Reason? Retrieved from
Section 2: American Jews and the State of Israel
Section Overview
Source #1: Pew Research Study, A Portrait of Jewish Americans, retrieved from
Source #2: Haaretz, Is the American Jewish pro-Israel Consensus Dying?, retrieved from
Source #3: Daniel Gordis, How American Jews Have Detached Themselves from Jewish History, retrieved from
Section 3: Formation of Israeli Narrative and Identity
Section Overview
Source #1: Goldscheider, Calvin. Cultures in Conflict: The Arab-Israeli Conflict, pp. 3-9
Source #2: Ross, Dennis. The Missing Peace: The Inside Story of the Fight for Middle East Peace, pp. 15-45
Source #3: Bilu Manifesto, retrieved from
Source #4: Theodor Hertzel, Solution of the Jewish Question, pp. 533-537
Source #5: Ahad Ha'am, Address to the 1st Zionist Congress
Source #6: A.D. Gordon, People and Labor
Source #7: Rabbi Yaakov Reines, quoted in Aviezer Ravitzky "Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Relig. Radicalism" pg. 34
Section 4: Formation of Palestinian Narrative and Identity
Section Overview
Source #1: Khalidi, Rashid. Palestinian Identity, "Comparing the Incomprable," pp. 19-22
Source #2: Goldscheider, Cultures in Conflict - The Arab Israeli Conflict, "Momdouh Nofal-Palestinian Narrative"
Source #3: Khalidi, Rashid. The Iron Cage, "The Palestinian and Arab World," pg. 22-30
Source #4: Tayseer Abu Sakour, This Week in Palestine, "Marriage Traditions in Hebron," pp. 94-95
Source #5: The Economist, "The Wandering Palestinian," retrieved from
Section 5: Early Israeli Pioneers
Source #1: The Kibbutz and Moshav: History and Overview. retrieved from
Source #2: Israeli Society and Culture: The Histadrut, retrieved from
Source #3: Jewish National Fund (JNF). retrieved from
Source #4: First Zionist Congress & Basel Program. retrieved from
Source #5: Ruth Gavison, "The Right of Jews to Statehood"
Source #6: The Palmach. retrieved from
Source #7: Shazar, Rachel Katznelson. The Plough Women: Memoirs of the Pioneer Women of Palestine, pp 56-58, 145-149
Source #8: Deborah, Dayan. Pioneer, pp 42, 45-47, 54-55, 101-105
Section 6: Introduction to Islam
Source #1: Learning Each Other's Historical Narrative, Palestinians and Israelis. pp. 1-4, retrieved ffrom
Source #2: Reuven Firestone, An Introduction to Islam for Jews, pp. 5
Source #3: Reuven Firestone, An Introduction to Islam for Jews, chapter 15
Source #4: Reuven Firestone, An Introduction to Islam for Jews, chapters 18-20
Section 7: Arab and Palestinian Nationalism
Source #1: Abdullah al-Alayili, "What is Arab Nationalism?," in Arab Nationalism, an Anthology, pp 120-127
Source #2: Oriana Fallaci, Interview with Yasser Arafat, March 1972
Source #3: Hamas Charter, 1988
Source #4: Muhammad Hassanain Haykal, The Strategy of the War of Attrition, 1969
Source #5: Majeda El-Batish, Like Hero Tupac, Israeli Arab Rapper's Music Provokes. Retrieved from
Section 8: Political Islam
Source #1: Princeton Readings in Islamic Thought, Chapter 5: Sayyid Qutb
Source #2: Princeton Readings in Islamic Thought, Chapter 6: Ayatollah Khomeini
Source #3: Princeton Readings in Islamic Thought, Chapter 7: The Taliban
Source #4: Princeton Readings in Islamic Thought, Chapter 18: Usama bin Laden
Section 9: Making of the Modern Middle East
Source #1: Maps of Biblical and Modern Israel
Source #2: Bernard Lewis, The Middle East, The Challenge of Modernity, pp. 352-356
Source #3: John Mearsheimer, "Realism, the Real World, and the Academy," pp. 23-33
Source #4: Laqueur, Walter, and Dan Schueftan. The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict "The Mcmahon Letter," pp. 11-12
Source #5: Laqueur, Walter, and Dan Schueftan. The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict "The Sykes-Picot Agreement," pp.13-16
Source #6: Karl E. Meyer, Kingmakers: The Invention of the Modern Middle East, pp. 159-163, 184
Source #7: The Balfour Declaration, retrieved from
Source #8: Abdulla al Alayili, Arab Nationalism, an Anthology, "What is Arab Nationalism?" pp. 120-127
Source #9: The Peel Commission Report, retrieved from
Section 10: Independence and Naqba
Source #1: Learning Each Other's Historical Narrative, Palestinians and Israelis. pp. 19-31 Retrieved from
Source #2: Hassan Ibrahim, "Arabism's Greastest Loss", retrieved from
Source #3: Ben-Dror Yemini, "What about the Jewish Nakba?", retrieved from,7340,L-4597344,00.html
Source #4: Ofer Aderet, "Israel marks first-ever National Day Remembering Jewish Exodus from Arab Lands", retrieved from
Source #5: Amos Oz, "In the Land of Israel", pp. 95-96
Section 11: Independence and Its Implications
Source #1: Israel's Declaration of Independence
Source #2: David Ben Gurion, Address to the Knesset on the Law of Return, 7/3/1950 in The Jew in the Modern World pg.711-712
Section 12: Independence and Theology
Source #1: Rav Herzog's Prayer for State of Israel
Source #2: Elyashiv Reichner, "By Faith Alone," Go Shave--It is a Holiday, pp 138-139, 146-147
Source #3: Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, May 1967
Source #4: Rav Yehuda Amital, "Reishit Tzemichat Ge'ulatenu: What Kind of Redemption Does Israel Represent?" Sicha delivered at Yeshivat Har Etzion, Yom Haatzma'ut 2005
Source #5: Rav Soloveitchik, Kol Dodi Dofek , pp. 31-42
Source #6: Yeshaya Leibowitz, After Kibiyeh, in "Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State", ed Eliezer Goldman, pp. 185-190
Section 13: The Ethics of Independence: Deir Yassin
Source #1: Sami Adwan, Dan Bar-On, and Eyal Naveh, "Side by Side: Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine, pp. 119-131
Source #2: Zipora Porat, "Letters from Jerusalem, 1947-1948," pp. 133-136, 142-143, 153-158
Source #3: Menachem Begin, "The Revolt: The Story of the Irgun," pp. 162-165
Source #4: Benny Moris, "1948: The First Arab-Israeli War," pp. 125-132, 170
Source #5: Avi Sagi, "Between Legal Inquiry and A Discussion of Ethics"
Source #6: Michael Walzer, "The Ethics of Warfare in the Jewish Tradition"
Source #7: Shalom Lamm, "Purity of Arms, A Critical Evaluation"
Section 14: After Independence: Building a Jewish State
Source #1: Law of Return, retrieved from 410
Source #2: Isabel Kershner, "Who Is a Jew? Maybe Not Woman Converted by Esteemed New York Rabbi", retrieved from
Source #3: Petah Tikva, "Israel's Chief Rabbis Want to Change a Rule to Make Ivanka Trump Jewish", retrieved from
Source #4: "Trump 'concerned' after Israel questioned Ivanka's conversion", retrieved from
Section 15: After Independence: Culture and Immigration
Source #1: Erez Biton, Shir kniya ba'dizengoff
Source #2: Naomi Shemer, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
Section 16: After Independence: Nasser and Egypt
Source #1: "Nasser, Gamal Abdel", in Daniel C. Diller, John L. Moore, eds., The Middle East
Section 17: After Independence: Jerusalem
Source #1: Martin Gilbert, Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century, pp. 246-271
Source #2: Karen Armstrong, Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths, pp. 389-397
Section 18: Buildup to 1967
Source #1: Martin Gilbert, The Routledge Atlas of the Arab Israeli Conflict, p. 66
Source #2: Michael Oren, Six Days of War, "The Crisis" pp. 69, 73-74, 84, 86, 115
Source #3: Y.K. Halevi, Like Dreamers, pp. 55-60
Source #4: One Night Before the War, pp. 21-25
Section 19: National, Religious, and Theological Implications of 1967
Source #1: Abraham Joshua Heschel, Israel: An Echo of Eternity, pp. 5-13
Source #2: Eliezer Berkowitz, Zionism and the State of Israel, Responding to Tragedies and Triumphs, The Six Day War, pp. 292-295
Source #3: Yishayahu Leibowitz, Occupation and Terror, in "Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State", ed Eliezer Goldman, pp. 237-240
Source #4: Zvi Yehuda Kook, quoted in Aviezer Ravitsky, Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Radicalism, p. 131-132
Source #5: Yitzchak Nissim, For Great is the Day of Jerusalem, pp. 220-223
Source #6: Sari Nusseibeh, Once Upon a Country pp. 94-98
Section 20: Aftermath of 1967: Borders and Settlements
Source #1: Khartoum Declaration, retrieved from
Source #2: UN Resolution 242, retrieved from
Source #3: Yeshayahu Leibowitz, The Terrirories, in "Judaism, Human Values, and the Jewish State", ed Eliezer Goldman, pp. 223-228
Section 21: The Yom Kippur War
Source #1: Naomi Shemer, Lu Yehi
Source #2: Shmu'el Hasfari, Choref 73
Section 22: Aftermath of 1973: Mahapach
Source #1: UN Resolution 338
Source #2: UN Resolution 3379
Section 23: Land Day
Source #1: Sam Bahour and Fida Jiryis, "Why Land Day Still Matters", retrieved from
Source #2: Micheal Omer-Man, "This Week in History: The 1976 Land Day Protests", retrieved from
Source #3: Zeina Azzam, Palestine’s Day of the Land, Yawm al-Ard, 1976-2016: Commemorating Forty Years, retrieved from
Section 24: The Peace Process
Source #1: Yasir Arafat, "Speech at the Signing of the Israel PLO Declaration of Principles, September 13th, 1993" in Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, eds., The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict Yasir Arafat Speech ,pp 427-428
Source #2: Anwar Sadat, "Peace with Justice," in Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, eds., The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict Anwar Sadat Speech, pp 211-215
Source #3: Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
Source #4: Yehuda Avner, The Child in El Arish in "The Prime Ministers"
Section 25: The First Lebanon War
Source #1: UN Security Council Resolution 425
Source #2: Thomas L. Friedman, The Beirut Massacre: The Four Days, retrieved from
Source #3: Report of The Kahan Commission, February 8th 1983
Source #4: Elyashiv Reichner, "By Faith Alone," pp 185-186, 190-191
Source #5: Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, "By His Light," pp. 126-127
Section 26: The First Intifada
Source #1: Sami Adwan, Dan Bar-On, and Eyal Naveh, "Side by Side: Parellel Histories of Israel-Palestine, pp. 268-289
Section 27: Zionism on Campus
Source #1: Pew Research Study, A Portrait of Jewish Americans. Retrieved July 05, 2017, from
Source #2: Alan Johnson, The Left and the Jews: Time for a Rethink, retrieved from
Source #3: What is BDS?,
Source #4: Jay Michaelson, Why Do Activists Connect Israel to Campus Rape? Intersectionality 101, retrieved from
Source #5: Adam Nagourney, In U.C.L.A. Debate Over Jewish Student, Echoes on Campus of Old Biases, retrieved from
Source #6: Edward Said, Propaganda and War, Ch. 16
Section 28: Israel, the US and the UN
Source #1: Ambassador Nikki Haley, Remarks at a Press Availability Following UN Security Council Consultations on the Middle East , US Mission to the UN, retrieved from
Source #2: Full text of US envoy Samantha Power's speech after abstention on anti-settlement vote, retrieved from
Source #3: Summary of Goldstone, "Part 5: Conclusions and Recommendations," pp 404-430
Source #4: Richard Kemp, The U.N.’s Gaza Report Is Flawed and Dangerous, retrieved from
Section 29: Jewish and Democratic
Source #1: Israel's Declaration of Independence
Source #2: Ruth Gavison, No “Israeliness” instead of “Jewishness", retrieved from
Source #3: Meir Kahane, There is a God in Israel
Section 30: Jewish Demographics
Source #1: Palestinian Population to Exceed Jewish Population by 2020, retrieved from
Source #2: Haviv Rettig Gur, With the Herzog-Livni Merger, an Opposition Materializes, retrieved
Source #3: Marissa Newman and Adiv Sterman, Herzog, Livni Join Forces to Oust Netanyahu, Will Rotate Premiership, retrieved from
Source #4: Raphael Ahren, The Newly Confident Israeli Proponents of a One-State Solution, retrieved from
Source #5: Executive Summary; An Interim Plan to Improve Israel's Security Situation and International Standing, retrieved from
Section 31: Jewish Religious Extremism
Source #1: Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, "On the Assassination of Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin z"l"
Source #2: Chris Hedges with Joel Greenberg, West Bank Massacre; Before Killing, Final Prayer and Final Taunt, retrieved from
Source #3: Clyde Haberman, West Bank Massacre; Israel Orders Tough Measures Against Militant Settlers, retrieved from
Source #4: Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, Fire on the Hilltops, pp. 119-122
Source #5: Idith Zertal and Akiva Eldar, A Moveable Death, pp. 267-270
Source #6: Yaacov Lozowick, Right to Exist, pp. 159-160
Source #7: A Rabbinic Exchange on Baruch Goldstein's Funeral, in Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, Leaves of Faith, pp. 255-260
Section 32: A Religious Civic Society
Source #1: Rami Kleinstein, Matanot Ketanot
Source #2: Ruth Calderon, The Heritage of All of Israel, retrieved from
Source #3: Yehuda Amichai, Tourists, retrieved from
Section 33: Looking Back/Looking Forward
Source #1: Dan Senior and Saul Singer, Start-up Nation, pp. 11-15, 128-132, 178-183
Source #2: David Hartman, Auschwitz or Sinai, retrieved from
Source #6: Yaacov Lozowick, Right to Exist, pp. 159-160
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