Section Overview

In this section, students will be introduced to the concept of ״אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים״ and the role of diversity within halakha. Each of the sources in this section will present an approach to understanding the scope and purpose of diversity and dispute within halakha, including the behavioral/affective impact of tolerance of competing ideas, and the legislative impact of preserving minority viewpoints within a legal system. While the gemaras in Eirvuin 13b and Hagiga 3b emphasize that all opinions come from God and that opposing viewpoints must be listened to and respected, the Mishna Eduyot 1:5 emphasizes that minority viewpoints may actually be relied upon in practice, while Rashi's commentary on Ketubot 57a identifies the limits of acceptable dissent within Judaism.

Throughout this unit, students will explore the impact that this principle has on the flexibility of the halakhic system, while also examining their own attitudes and behaviors towards those whom they may disagree with. Key concepts include diversity and dissent within Halakha, majority rule, whether Halakha is human or divine, change within Jewish law, as well as attitudes and behavior towards those with whom we disagree.

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